I’m honestly not sure if I’ve ever been in a colder environment than I am right now. Even the Norwegians are complaining how unusually brisk it is. It’s about 6 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s beautiful, however. Stunning, really. And it’s a direct result of the unreasonably unseasonably low temps.
Normally there would be more snow on the ground but it’s actually been too cold to snow! What’s happened, instead, is that fog has been rolling in. The moisture from the snow is sticking to the trees and everything looks like a magical fairytale land of ice.
I keep thinking I’m in the movie, Narnia. It’s a winter wonderland like you can’t imagine unless you’ve seen it for yourself.
Long underwear is on. Hat. Gloves. And lots of layers. But still the cold seeps in.
This area is also quite far north. Therefore, sunrise doesn’t happen until after 9 a.m. and sunset is about 3:15.
The photo above was taken shortly after 9:30 a.m. on Thursday. The sun comes up, slowly moves across a portion of the sky and then dips back down about 6 hours later. One of my colleagues on this trip pointed to the sun, hovering just above the horizon, and noted that it was “high noon.”
Today is the Nobel Peace Price Ceremony in Oslo and I’ll be attending. Some Norwegians have pondered out loud why they have this in the winter (it’s always on December 10 as this is the day that Alfred Nobel died in 1895) but I’m quite pleased to be here in this beautiful landscape, despite being cold to the bones.
See more lovely photos at DeliciousBaby’s Photo Friday!
Travel Well!
Related Links:
Packing for the Peace Prize
Camels & Chocolate says
Beautiful, Beth! Can’t wait to read/see more from your trip!
Krista says
WOW!!! What stunning photos, Beth! I can almost feel the cold through them. Brrr! Reminds me of my childhood in northern British Columbia. You’re right – it DOES look like Narnia. 🙂
Rhonda says
Beautiful photos! While I don’t like the cold, these pictures are amazing and they do look like they come right out of a fairy tale.:)
wandering educators says
just gorgeous! i love living in a cold climate – such changes are so very magical. thanks for sharing these beautiful photos!
Mental Mosaic says
Brr! I can feel the crisp air through these enchanting photos! I didn’t realize that the Nobel prize ceremony took place on the date of his death – interesting! ~Tui
nikki says
Ohh, looks so cold but so beautiful:)
Annie@GreenTravelReviews says
My home country… Looks beautiful in winter, but it’s d*mn cold! I love the way you compare it to Narnia though ;-D I’m really glad you liked it, even if it’s on the chilly side!